Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reliving a fun day!

Well i was way too worn out to post anything by the time i got home last night. So i had to wait until today to edit all my pictures and get on the blog. We had SUCH a fun time yesterday! All the rides were a blast and we didn't have to wait in line too long for anything. Cheetah Hunt was my favorite, and we got to ride Sheikra twice IN THE FRONT!!! We got wet multiple times so we never felt too hot. To save time and energy we rode the skyride back and forth across the park. I love being up that high and the chance to sit back and relax for a few minutes! All in all we made some good memories and I hope we go back soon! I'm glad we have the rest of the summer to plan trips. I just wish it was closer....

P.S. getting Jayson to take this picture made me look really stupid because i had to stand on a ledge pretty far away from the actual giraffe sculpture! But i just love these animals so i had to pose with one, and I think these shots are amusing. :)

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