Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A weekend to remember!!

Wow, the Next 2011 conference by Sovereign Grace Ministries was soooo amazing!!! I'm still trying to process and comprehend everything that i experienced! I felt like a sponge soaking it all up! It was such a blessing to be able to be equipped by such godly teachers and to be able to worship God with other young people on fire for God in a transparent and obvious way! His spirit was truly there among us.
Unfortunately i didn't take many pictures during the time because it was hard to carry stuff around and keep track of it, so my camera stayed in the car most of the time. But one of the evening when i was walking out to the parking lot i noticed how pretty the lights were on the outside of the building and i had to take a picture! It will represent and remind me of how beautiful the entire Shingle Creek conference building really was!! It was so elegant and comfortable. I would love to have a big party or wedding there someday! :)
Needless to say i'm running on a high from all this excitement!!! God is good and i'm praying He will carry me thru the everyday mundane that can threaten to take away the joy that i am experiencing right now....His faithfulness is everlasting!
Looking forward to getting back into Project365. We will see what tomorrow brings my way and what creativeness i come up with. :)

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