Wednesday, June 15, 2011

blessed rain

Today was so oppressively hot i welcomed the first drop of rain that fell! What followed was a glorious thunderstorm! We sat on the front porch just enjoying the sights and sounds of God's power unleashed in nature.
I had a pretty busy schedule starting with an early morning biblestudy at Panera and then a cleaning job that lasted into the afternoon. When i got home I turned around and went back out to meet Amber at the gym. It was nice to spend some time with her. When i got home i finally got my much needed nap then woke up just in time to go pick Jayson up from work and bring him home then start dinner. I have spent the evening reading a book my grandma gave me that is about 2 inches thick. It's 3 books in one.....:) I'm wondering how long it's going to take me to get thru it, but so far it's interesting, apart from the fact that it is a little bit to descriptive and wordy.
I'm waiting to see how the rest of the week unfolds, there is so many things i want to do and only God knows what should be the priority. I just pray that He makes it clear enough for me to follow it!

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