Sunday, July 10, 2011

Young minds, teachable hearts

Little Grace and Annora were fascinated by the piano and it's music while Shaunda played. She kindly pulled them up onto her lap and let them join in the song! We were all talking about how much of an influence the older people in your life growing up as a child effect who you become as a person later in life. What a beautiful thing when God blesses us with family and friends to support us and build us up into who we are in Christ.
It's been a while since i posted, my weekend was pretty hectic! I slept in this morning but still was dragging so i took a long nap this afternoon. After that i had a burst of energy so I ended up joining some kids playing beach volleyball down at the park.
Im looking forward to this week and all the preparations i need to start making for my trip! Who knows what exciting adventures await me!!??? :)

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