Monday, July 18, 2011

Pizza and Izzies!

Tonight we celebrated Kyle's 14th birthday! Rachel and Tyler joined us for a dinner of papa johns pizza and fruity drinks! Mom is cooking up some blueberry glaze now to go with the cheesecake for dessert! Yumm!
I can't believe i'm leaving tomorrow. I'm super happy and excited but i also know i will miss home a lot. I'm just praying that God will use this time mightily to grow me more, while furthering his kingdom! :) This is my last post for a month...:/ I won't have internet at all while i'm gone.

Friday, July 15, 2011

All fired up!

My aunt gave my cousin and me coupons to go paint pottery at a place called All Fired Up! We had a lot of fun together, I painted a salad bowl and Abby did a plate. We can't wait to see the finished products!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

days of summer

Life seems like it's just been one thing after another...I've got to learn to let God be the focus and the center and my joy! It's a daily surrender and a constant renewal of my mind. :) I'm so thankful for His faithfulness and love!

Monday, July 11, 2011

work and play

Friends make anything more enjoyable, whether it be work or play! This afternoon Shaunda accompanied me in both! After a sweaty hour and a half at the gym we cooled off at the 7-11 gas station with free slurpies due to the corresponding date July 11th (7-11) fun idea and about the only time you will see me consuming one of those icy sugar drinks!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Young minds, teachable hearts

Little Grace and Annora were fascinated by the piano and it's music while Shaunda played. She kindly pulled them up onto her lap and let them join in the song! We were all talking about how much of an influence the older people in your life growing up as a child effect who you become as a person later in life. What a beautiful thing when God blesses us with family and friends to support us and build us up into who we are in Christ.
It's been a while since i posted, my weekend was pretty hectic! I slept in this morning but still was dragging so i took a long nap this afternoon. After that i had a burst of energy so I ended up joining some kids playing beach volleyball down at the park.
Im looking forward to this week and all the preparations i need to start making for my trip! Who knows what exciting adventures await me!!??? :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good memories

I spent the day editing pictures from yesterday so i didn't feel much like taking another one to edit. This picture is so sweet and it seemed fitting to post because without this lovely lady as our hostess none of these memories would have been made!!! :)

I'm leaving tomorrow morning early for the wedding, it's a 10 hour drive with Jesse and Laura! woohoo! I'll have another big batch of pictures to edit when i get back.....

Goodnight a lil early everybody!

Monday, July 4, 2011

When we play, we play hard!

Oh my i don't know where to begin with to blog about this day! I am soo tired and my whole body hurts from the crazy things i did! I went thru all my pictures once but have no energy to sort thru and edit them so I took the easy route and posted a general picture thats fun and representative. I'm falling asleep on my laptop with my pillows and blankets all around me listening to the fading sounds of fireworks while our country celebrates it's freedom. Thank you, Lord for all your many blessings! I sure don't like to take them for granted....

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Making music

Rachel and I had a little jam session tonight with the guitar and my violin! She was teaching me a new song which, unfortunately needed a capo on the guitar to be able to sing along. We couldn't find one anywhere, so me and my highly evolved brain got to thinking and i scoured the kitchen for a pen and some rubber bands and wrangled something up that worked quite effectively! I had to take a picture of this work of art...and of course Rachel's smiling face makes the picture more memorable and sweet. :) It's been a nice day, and I can't wait for the fourth of July festivities to begin! Time to curl up in bed.....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

my debt's been paid

Make me to know Your ways, Lord. Lead me in Your truth, and teach me. For You are the God of my salvation, and on You i wait day and night. Remember Your mercies, and Your steadfast love, for they have been from old. Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions against you, according to your steadfast love remember me, for the sake of Your own goodness, my God.
~Psalm 25:4-7

Friday, July 1, 2011

A kitchen of sweets!!!

I have been baking all day it seems! This morning I made blueberry scones for Hannah's bridal shower this afternoon, and then right after dinner i made a huge cake for tomorrow's family party! It was a big success and all the boys got to be involved with helping! I would post a picture of that but i'm making one for Monday's 4th of July party too and it's kind of a surprise. For any of you that don't get to see it i will post a picture of it that day :) We made cupcakes with the leftover cake batter so this process i decided to record with my creativity.....hehe